BIT 3434
BIT 3524
BIT 6334
Dr. Zobel's interests lie in research that has a positive societal impact, and his work tends to fall within the following topic areas:
Associated grants and publications are presented for each of these areas below.
Disaster resilience and supply chain resilience
Funded grants:
- "Sustainability assessments of large river basins linking climate extremes, drought, and fire with land cover and land use change in South Asia," NASA. Jan 2025 - Dec 2027. Funding Amount: $200,000. PI: V. Sridhar; Co-PI: C. Zobel
- "NRT: Disaster Resilience and Risk Management (DRRM) - Creating quantitative decision making frameworks for multi-dimensional and multi-scale analysis of hazard impact," NSF-NRT. Sep 2017 – Aug 2023. Funding Amount: $2,999,782. PI: R. Weiss; Co-PIs: M. Cowell, J. Irish, G. Olgun, M. Paretti, C. Zobel, Y. Zhang
- "Resilience Analytics: A Data-Driven Approach for Enhanced Interdependent Network Resilience," NSF-CRISP Type 2. Oct 2015 – Feb 2022. Funding Amount: $291,153 (total $2.2M). PI (subaward through Penn State): C. Zobel
- "Stresses and Instability in Coastal Systems: Sustaining Prosperity, Increasing Diversity and Achieving Resilience," Fralin Life Science Institute. Jul 2017 – Jun 2018. Funding Amount: $40,000. PIs: R. Weiss, A. Bukvic; Co-PIs: A. Dayer, J. Fraser, S. Karpanty, D. Catlin, L. Juran, R. Wynne, J. Gohlke, K. Boyle, V. Sridhar, J. Irish, R. Leon, C. Zobel, L. Rees, Y. Zhang, T. Schenk, P. Dixit
- "Developing the Foundations for a Spring Theory of Disaster Resilience," ICTAS. Mar 2016 – Jun 2016. Funding Amount: $5000. PI: R. Weiss; Co-PI: C. Zobel
- "Fostering Community Resilience through Adaptive Learning in a Social Media Age," Institute for Society, Culture and Environment. Mar 2014 – Sep 2015. Funding Amount: $20,000. PIs: Y. Zhang, M. Cowell, C. Zobel.
- "Building a common language around the dynamic resilience of coastal communities," ISCE Global Issues Initiative (ISCE-GII). Jan 2014 – Jun 2015. Funding Amount: $20,000. Co-PIs: C. Zobel, Y. Zhang, M. Cowell, R. Weiss, G. Olgun, M. Ghafory-Ashtiany
- "Sustainable Food Systems: Impacts of Disasters & Relief Efforts on Resilience," Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Program. Nov 2013 – Jan 2014. Funding Amount: $1980. Co-PIs: R. Budowle, A. Arnette, S. Baker, J. Mittlestaedt, C. Zobel
- "Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program in Disaster Resilience (DR-IGEP)," Virginia Tech Graduate School. Aug 2013 – present. Co-PIs: C. Zobel, Y. Zhang, M. Cowell, R. Weiss, J. Irish
- "Sustainable Community Resilience: Establishing a Link between Inherent and Dynamic Disaster Resilience" Virginia Tech Institute for Society, Culture and Environment. Mar 2011 – Jun 2011. Funding amount: $19,754. Co-PIs: C. Zobel, L. Rees, P. Sforza
- "Public-Private Partnerships (P3): The Future of Leadership in Building Sustainable Multi-Hazard Resilience. AN ALL-HAZARDS WORKSHOP PROPOSAL," The CNA Corporation. Feb 2008 – Aug 2008. Funding amount: $60,000. Co-PIs: J. Martin II, C. Zobel, G. Olgun, C. Lattimer
Refereed journal articles:
- Alikhani, R., A. Ranjbar, S.A. Torabi and C.W. Zobel, "Performance evaluation of concurrent supply chain resilience strategies," accepted by International Journal of Production Economics, 2024.
- Weiss, R. and C.W. Zobel, "Resist and Recover: Introducing a Spring Theory for Modeling Disaster Resilience," Risk Analysis, 2024, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.17452
- Ge, Y., N. Kapucu, C.W. Zobel, S. Hasan, J.L. Hall, H. Wang, L. Wang, M. Cechowski, "Building community resilience through cross-sector partnerships and interdisciplinary research," Public Administration Review, 83(5), 2023, 1415-1422. https://doi.org/10.1111/puar.13697
- Alikhani, R., A. Ranjbar, A. Jamali, S.A. Torabi and C.W. Zobel, "Towards Increasing Synergistic Effects of Resilience Strategies in Supply Chain Network Design," Omega 116, 2023, 102819. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2022.102819
- Huang, C.D., R. Behara, M. Baghersad, and C.W. Zobel, "Optimal Investment in Prevention and Recovery for Mitigating Epidemic Risks," Risk Analysis: An International Journal, special issue on Cascading Effects of Pandemics, 42(1), 2022, 206-220. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13707
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, P.B. Lowry, and S. Chatterjee, "The roles of prior experience and the location on the severity of supply chain disruptions," International Journal of Production Research, 60(16), 2022, 5051-5070. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.1948136.
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Organizational Resilience to Disruption Risks: Developing Metrics and Testing Effectiveness of Operational Strategies," Risk Analysis, 42(3), 2021, 561-579. https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13769
- Kazemian, I., S.A. Torabi, C.W. Zobel, Y. Li, M. Baghersad, "A multi-attribute resilience assessment framework based on SNA-inspired indicators," Operational Research: An International Journal, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-021-00644-3
- Zobel, C.W., C.A. MacKenzie, M. Baghersad, and Y. Li, "Establishing a frame of reference for measuring disaster resilience," Decision Support Systems, 140, 2021, 113406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2020.113406
- Baghersad, M., and C.W. Zobel, "Assessing the extended impacts of supply chain disruptions on firms: an empirical study," International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 2021, 107862. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107862
- Li, Y. and C.W. Zobel, "Exploring supply chain network resilience in the presence of the ripple effect," International Journal of Production Economics, 228, 2020, 107693. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2020.107693
- Karakoc, D., K. Barker, C.W. Zobel, and Y. Almoghathawi, "Social Vulnerability and Equity Perspectives on Interdependent Infrastructure Network Component Importance," Sustainable Cities and Society, 57, 2020, 102072. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102072
- Mena, C., S.A. Melnyk, M. Baghersad, and C.W. Zobel, "Sourcing decisions under conditions of risk and resilience: a behavioral study," Decision Sciences Journal, 51(4), 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12403.
- Davis, Z., C.W. Zobel, L. Khansa, R. Glick, "Emergency Department Resilience to Disaster Level Overcrowding: A Component Resilience Framework for Analysis and Predictive Modeling," Journal of Operations Management, 66, 2020, 54-66. https://doi.org/10.1002/joom.1017.
- Zobel, C.W. and M. Baghersad, "Analytically Comparing Disaster Resilience across Multiple Dimensions," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 69, March 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2018.12.005.
- Li, Y., C.W. Zobel, O. Seref, and D. Chatfield, "Network Characteristics and Supply Chain Resilience under Conditions of Risk Propagation," International Journal of Production Economics, 223, 107529, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107529
- Macdonald, J.R., C.W. Zobel, S.A. Melnyk, and S.E. Griffis, "Supply chain risk and resilience: theory building through structured experiments and simulation," International Journal of Production Research, 56(12), 2018, 4337-4355, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1421787
- Lalone, N., S. Halse, A. Tapia, C.W. Zobel, C. Caragea, and V. Neppalli, "Embracing Human Noise as Resilience Indicator: Twitter as Power Grid Correlate," Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(4), 2017, 169-178.
- Li, Y., C.W. Zobel, and R.S. Russell, "Value of supply disruption information and information accuracy," Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(3), 2017, 191-201.
- Barker, K., J.H. Lambert, C.W. Zobel, A. Tapia, J.E. Ramirez-Marquez, L.A. McClay, C.D. Nicholson, and C. Caragea, "Defining Resilience Analytics for Interdependent Cyber-Physical-Social Networks," Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(2), 2017, 59-67.
- Chacko, J., L.P. Rees, C.W. Zobel, T.R. Rakes, R.S. Russell, and C.T. Ragsdale, "Decision support for long-range, community-based planning to mitigate against and recover from potential multiple disasters," Decision Support Systems, 87, 2016, 13-25.
- MacKenzie, C.A. and C.W. Zobel, “Allocating resources to enhance resilience, with application to Superstorm Sandy and an electric utility,” Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 36(4), 2016, 847-862.
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Economic Impact of Production Bottlenecks Caused by Disasters Impacting Interdependent Industry Sectors," International Journal of Production Economics, 168, 2015, 71-80.
- Zobel, C.W. and L.Z. Khansa. "Characterizing multi-event disaster resilience," Computers & Operations Research - special issue on MCDM in Emergency Management, 42, 2014, 83-94.
- Pant, R., Barker, K., and C.W. Zobel. "Static and dynamic metrics of economic resilience for interdependent infrastructure and industry sectors," Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 125(1), 2014, 92-102.
- Zobel, C.W. "Quantitatively Representing Non-linear Disaster Recovery," Decision Sciences, 45(6), 2014, 1053-1082.
- Dottore, M.L. and C.W. Zobel. "Analyzing Economic Indicators of Disaster Resilience Following Hurricane Katrina," International Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1), 2014, 67-83.
- Melnyk, S., Zobel, C.W., Griffis, S. and J. MacDonald. "Making Sense of Transient Responses in Simulation Studies: An Approach for Interpreting Transient Response Time Series Data," International Journal of Production Research, 52(3), 2014, 617-632.
- Zobel, C.W. and L.Z. Khansa. "Quantifying Cyberinfrastructure Resilience against Multi-event Attacks," Decision Sciences, 43(4), 2012, 687-710.
- Zobel, C.W. "Representing perceived tradeoffs in defining disaster resilience," Decision Support Systems, 50(2), 2011, 394-403.
- Zobel, C.W. "Supporting disaster resilience: Information technology and emergence in multi-organizational networks," Journal of Emergency Management, 9 (special issue 1), 2011, 47-52.
Book chapters:
- Zobel, C.W., M. Baghersad, and Y. Zhang. (2017) An approach for quantifying the multidimensional nature of disaster resilience in the context of municipal service provision. In A. Fekete and F. Fiedrich (Eds.), Urban Disaster Resilience and Security: Springer, 239-259.
Conference proceedings papers:
- Savignac, P., E. Petitdamange, C.W. Zobel, N. Cellier, R. Weisz, M. Lauras, "Towards training network resilience to maintain disaster recovery expertise," ISCRAM 2024 - Embracing the Crisis Management Lifecycle (Münster, Germany: May 2024).
- Omrane, K., D. Kamissoko, F. Benaben, C.W. Zobel, and B. Barroca, "Decision-making in the field of resilience: literature review," EWG-DSS 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (Zaragoza, Spain: 2020)
- Chacko, J., C.W. Zobel, and L.P. Rees, "Challenges of Modeling Community-Driven Disaster Operations Management in Disaster Recurrent Areas: The Example of Portsmouth, Virginia," ISCRAM 2018 - Visualizing Crisis (Rochester, NY: May 2018).
- Li, Y. and C.W. Zobel, "Small Businesses and Social Media Usage in the 2013 Colorado Floods," ISCRAM 2016 – Resilience by all means (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: May 2016)
- Li, Y. and C.W. Zobel, "Evaluating the Value of Disruption Information for Mitigating Supply Chain Risks," 2015 POMS Annual Conference (Washington, DC: May 2015)
- Zhang, Y., Drake, W., Li, Y., Cowell, M., and C.W. Zobel, "Fostering Community Resilience through Adaptive Learning in a Social Media Age: Municipal Twitter Use in New Jersey following Hurricane Sandy," ISCRAM 2015 – Getting ready for the unexpected (Kristiansand, Norway: May 2015)
- Zobel, C.W. "Analytically comparing disaster recovery following the 2012 derecho," ISCRAM 2013 - Integrative and Analytical Approaches to Crisis Response and Emergency Management Information Systems (Baden Baden, Germany: May 2013)
- Pant, R., Barker, K., and C.W. Zobel. "Adaptive economic resilience planning for infrastructure and industry sectors with multiple shocks." ICOSSAR 2013 (11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability), June 16-20, 2013, Columbia University, New York, NY.
- Zobel, C.W., Melnyk, S., Griffis, S., and J. MacDonald. "Characterizing Disaster Resistance and Recovery using Outlier Detection," ISCRAM 2012 - Integrative and Analytical Approaches to Crisis Response and Emergency Management Information Systems (Vancouver, BC: April 2012)
- Zobel, C.W. "Representing the Multi-Dimensional Nature of Disaster Resilience," ISCRAM 2011 – From Early-Warning Systems to Preparedness and Training (Lisbon, Portugal: May 2011).
- Zobel, C.W., "Comparative Visualization of Predicted Disaster Resilience," ISCRAM 2010 – Defining Crisis Management 3.0 (Seattle, WA: May 2010).
- Falasca, M., C.W. Zobel, and D.F. Cook, "A Decision Support Framework to Assess Supply Chain Resilience," ISCRAM 2008 - Creating Advanced Systems for Inter-organizational Information Sharing and Collaboration (Washington, D.C.: May 2008), pp. 596-605.
- King, M.A. and C.W. Zobel. "Applying the R4 Framework of Resilience: Information Technology Disaster Risk Management at Northrop Grumman," Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (Orlando, FL: February 2008).
Conference presentations:
- Zobel, C.W., A. Arnette, M. Whitehead, L. Luangkesorn, "Creating Resilient Logistic Networks for Natural Disaster Relief," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Zobel, C.W., "Measuring Multi-Dimensional Resilience," INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ: Nov. 4-7, 2018).
- Li, Y., C. Zobel, and O. Seref, "Network Characteristics and Supply Chain Disruption Resilience," POMS 2018 Annual Conference (Houston, TX: May 4-7, 2018)
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Impacts of Supply Chain Disruptions on Firms’ Performance: Role of Disruptions Origin and Past Experience," 2017 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (Washington, DC: Nov. 18-20, 2017)
- Mackenzie, C.M. and C.W. Zobel, "Enhancing Resilience Of The Electric Power Sector After Hurricane Sandy," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: Oct. 22-25, 2017).
- Zobel, C.W., "Analytically Comparing Disaster Resilience across Multiple Dimensions," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: Oct. 22-25, 2017).
- Li, Y., C. Zobel, and O. Seref, "Network Characteristics And Supply Chain Disruption Resilience," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: Oct. 22-25, 2017)
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Effectiveness of resilience strategies against supply chain disruptions: an empirical study," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: Oct. 22-25, 2017).
- Baghersad, M. and C. Zobel, "Firm Resilience to Supply Chain Disruptions," MSOM 2017 (Chapel Hill, NC: June 20-21, 2017)
- Li, Y. and C.W. Zobel, "Network Characteristics and Resilience to Supply Chain Disruptions," POMS 2017 Annual Conference (Seattle, WA: May 5-8, 2017)
- Davis, Z., L. Khansa, and C.W. Zobel, "Quantifying Resilience against Emergency Department Overcrowding," POMS 2017 Annual Conference (Seattle, WA: May 5-8, 2017)
- Mena, C., S.A. Melnyk, and C.W. Zobel, "Risk, Resilience and Past Experience on Buying Behavior: A Vignette Based Study," POMS 2017 Annual Conference (Seattle, WA: May 5-8, 2017)
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Evaluating firm resilience to supply chain disruptions," POMS 2017 Annual Conference (Seattle, WA: May 5-8, 2017) (Accepted Abstract)
- Li, Yuhong and C.W. Zobel, "Quantifying Supply Chain Network Resilience," POMS Annual Meeting 2016 (Orlando, FL: May 2016).
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Does higher production resilience lead to a higher sales and stock price resilience?" POMS Annual Meeting 2016 (Orlando, FL: May 2016).
- Zobel, C.W., L.P. Rees, and J. Chacko, "Helping humanitarian organizations and communities improve long-term resilience to natural disasters," POMS 2016 Annual Conference (Orlando, FL: May 6-9, 2016).
- Li, Yuhong and C.W. Zobel, "Impact of Supply Network Structure on Resilience," 2015 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (Seattle, WA: November 2015).
- MacKenzie, C.A. and C.W. Zobel, "Allocating Resources to Enhance Resilience, with Application to Superstorm Sandy," INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA, November, 2015).
- Kwaramba, S.C., M. Baghersad, C. Zobel, G. Micheal, "Risk Management in Operations," POMS Annual Meeting 2015 (Washington, DC, May 2015)
- Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel, "Measuring Supply Chain Resilience with Consideration of Customer Behavior," POMS Annual Meeting 2015 (Washington, DC, May 2015)
- Zobel, C.W., "Supply chain resilience and civil critical infrastructure systems," International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (Berlin, Germany, May 2015)
- MacKenzie, C. and C.W. Zobel, "Allocating resources to enhance resilience," Society for Risk Analysis 2014 Annual Meeting (Denver, CO, December 2014)
- Zhang, Yang; Zobel, Christopher; Cowell, Margaret; Drake, William; Li, Yuhong, "Fostering Disaster Resilience through Adaptive Learning in a Social Media Age," Ridenour Faculty Fellowship Conference (Arlington, VA, October 2014).
- Zobel, Christopher William; Olgun, Guney; Zhang, Yang; Weiss,
Robert; Cowell, Margaret; Ghafory-Ashtiany, Mohsen, "Building a Common Language around Disaster Resilience," IDRC 2014 (Davos, CH, August 2014).
- Zobel, C.W., "Characterizing Nonlinearities in Interdependent Network Resilience," INFORMS 2013 Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN, October 2013).
- Melnyk, S., Macdonald, J., Griffis, S., and C.W. Zobel, "Towards an Operational Definition of Resiliency," POMS 2013, Denver, CO.
- Chacko, J., Russell, R., Rees, L.P., and C.W. Zobel, "Hurricane Sandy and the New York Subway System: An Example of Quantifying Resilience," POMS 2013, Denver, CO.
- Russell, R., Zobel, C.W., Rees, L.P., and J. Chacko*. "Strategies for Disaster Recovery: A Framework for Value-Based Decision Making," POMS 2012 - Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management Track – Invited Session on Coordination and Collaboration Issues in Humanitarian Operations (Chicago, IL: April 2012).
- Zobel, C.W. "A New Approach to Measuring the Process of Disaster Recovery," 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (Boston, MA: November 2011).
- Melnyk, S., Macdonald, J., Zobel, C., and S. Griffis. "An Outlier-based Approach for Assessing Supply Chain Disturbances," 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (Boston, MA: November 2011).
- Zobel, C.W. "Measuring Resilience in Interdependent Systems," INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting (Charlotte, NC: November 2011).
- Macdonald, J., Melnyk, S., Zobel, C., and S. Griffis. "The Development of a Time-series Experimental Design," 11th Annual Research Seminar of Supply Chain Risk Management (ISCRiM 2011) (Denton, TX: October 2011).
- Zobel, C.W., R. Russell, and M. Falasca. "Resilience in Humanitarian Relief," 22nd Annual POMS Conference: Operations Management - the Enabling Link (Reno, NV: April 2011).
- "Determinants of Supply Chain Resilience to Disasters," POMS 2008, May 9-12, 2008, La Jolla, California. Coauthors: *M. Falasca, D.F. Cook.
Disaster Management and Humanitarian Operations Management
Funded grants:
- "Supporting Coastal Management Decisions: A Collaborative Geospatial Shoreline Inventory Approach," Virginia Tech Center for Coastal Studies. July 2022 - June 2023. Funding amount: $11,700. PIs: C. Zobel, Y. Zhang. Partners: K. Nunez, K. Duhring, M. Lv
- "Assessing the Impacts of Coastal Flood-Induced Relocation on Local Jurisdictions," NSF-CMMI (Award #1920478). Sept 2019 - Aug 2021. Funding amount: $325,000. PI: A. Bukvic; Co-PIs: J. Irish, J. Shortridge, C. Zobel
- "Contact Tracing Algorithm for WHO: Supporting Decisions for Track and Trace Teams-Phase 1," World Health Organization, Oct. 2021 – Dec. 2021. Funding Amount: $44,450. PI: G. Montibeller; Co-PIs: G. Giering, C. Mackenzie, C. Zobel, V. Del Rio Vilas
- "A Neighborhood-based APPROACH (Actualizing Peer-based Prevention to Reduce
Overdose and Achieve Comprehensive Harm-reduction) to the Opioid Crisis in Virginia," Fulbright Alumni Community Grant Program. Aug 2018 – Dec 2018. Funding Amount: $9,480. PI: A. Gaddis; Co-PI: C. Zobel
- "Quantifying Natural Disasters' Impact on Neighborhood Transition," GFURR Summer Program. Summer 2016. Funding Amount: $15,000. Co-PIs: Y. Zhang, C. Zobel
- "An Empirical Investigation of the Material Convergence Problem," Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Program. Nov 2013 - Jan 2014. Funding Amount: $775. Co-PIs: A. Arnette, C. Zobel
Refereed journal articles:
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, M. Farahani, and R. Behara, "Trade-offs Between Equity and Efficiency in Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments: A Case of Stormwater Management Systems," Production and Operations Management, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1177/10591478241243387
- Murray-Tuite, P., H. Wang, C.W. Zobel, Y.G. Ge, and R. Nateghi, "Critical Time, Space, and Decision-Making Agent Considerations in Human-Centered Interdisciplinary Hurricane-Related Research," Risk Analysis, 41(7), 2021, 1218-1226. DOI: 10.1111/risa.13380.
- Ge, Y., C.W. Zobel, P. Murray-Tuite, H. Wang, and R. Nateghi, "Building an Interdisciplinary Team for Disaster Response Research: A Data-driven Approach," Risk Analysis, 41(7), 2021, 1145-1151. DOI: 10.1111/risa.13280.
- Malmir, B., and C.W. Zobel, "An applied approach to multi-criteria humanitarian supply chain planning for pandemic response," Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Special issue on Preparing the Humanitarian Supply Chain for Epidemics and Pandemics Response, 11(2), 2021, 320-346. http://doi.org/10.1108/JHLSCM-08-2020-0064
- Arnette, A. N., C. W. Zobel. "A Risk-Based Approach to Improving Disaster Relief Asset Pre-Positioning," Production and Operations Management, 28(2), 2019, 457-478. https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.12934.
- Arnette, A. and C.W. Zobel, “Investigation of Material Convergence in the September 2013 Colorado Floods,” Natural Hazards Review, 17(2), 2016.
- Falasca, M. and C.W. Zobel. "An Optimization Model for Volunteer Assignments in Humanitarian Organizations," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(4), 2012, 250-260.
- Falasca, M. and C.W. Zobel. "A Two-Stage Procurement Model for Humanitarian Relief Supply Chains," Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 1(2), 2011, 151-169.
- Falasca, M., C.W. Zobel, and C.T. Ragsdale. "Helping a Small Development Organization Manage Volunteers More Efficiently," Interfaces, 41(3), 2011, 254-262.
- Zobel, C.W., J.R. Martin, II, and C.G. Olgun. "Disaster risk management for critical infrastructure: a services-based viewpoint," International Journal of Services Sciences, 2(2), 2009, 189-205.
- Zobel, C.W. and G.A. Wang. "Topic Maps for Improving Services in Disaster Operations Management," Journal of Service Science, 1(1), 2008, 83-92.
- Martin, J.R., II, C.G. Olgun, C.W. Zobel, and H.T. Durgunoğlu. "Soil Improvement for Mitigation of Damages during the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake," Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 12(S2 2008), 2008, 211-221.
Book chapters:
- Bukvic, A., Zobel, C.W. "Drivers of Slow-Onset Displacement in the Coastal Mid-Atlantic Region and Preferences for Receiving Locations." In: Hamza, M., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Malalgoda, C., Jayakody, C., Senanayake, A. (eds) Rebuilding Communities After Displacement. Springer, Cham, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21414-1_6
- Wiens, M., F. Schätter, C.W. Zobel, and F. Schultmann. "Collaborative Emergency Supply Chains for Essential Goods and Services." In A. Fekete and F. Fiedrich (Eds.), Urban Disaster Resilience and Security: Springer, 2017, 145-168.
- Zobel, C.W., Altay, N., and M. Haselkorn. "Humanitarian Research and Managing Humanitarian Operations," In: Zobel, C.W., Altay, N., and M. Haselkorn, eds. Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations, Springer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 235, 2016.
- Wenzel, F. and C.W. Zobel. "Multi-Hazard Perspectives for Power Network Resilience," In: Handbook on Protection of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure from Natural Hazards, February 2016.
Conference proceedings papers:
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, and R. Behara, "Evaluation of Local Government Performance after Disasters," ISCRAM 2020 (Blacksburg, VA: 2020).
- Arnette, A.N., D. Pamukcu, and C.W. Zobel, "Post-impact analysis of disaster relief resource pre-positioning after the 2013 Colorado floods," ISCRAM 2020 (Blacksburg, VA: 2020).
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, and A. Arnette, "Emergency Shelter Planning: Characterizing social community structures in support of agent-based modeling," ISCRAM 2020 (Blacksburg, VA).
- Deters, J., M. Paretti, M. Cowell, J. Irish, and C.W. Zobel, "NRT: Disaster Resilience and Risk Management (DRRM) - Creating quantitative decision making frameworks for multi-dimensional and multi-scale analysis of hazard impact," 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Montreal, Ca: June 21-24, 2020).
- Deters, J., M. Paretti, M. Cowell, J. Irish, and C.W. Zobel, "Assessing Interdisciplinary Competency in Disaster Resilience and Risk Management Graduate Program using Concept Maps," 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Tampa, FL: June 15-19, 2019).
- Pamukçu, D., C.W. Zobel, and A. Arnette, "A New Data-Driven Approach to Measuring Hurricane Risk," ISCRAM 2019 - Towards individual-centric emergency management systems (Valencia, Spain: May 2019).
- Flint, M.M., L.N.S. Dhulipala, Y. Shahtaheri, H. Tahir, M.R. Eatherton, J.L. Irish, C.G. Olgun, G. Reichard, A. Rodriguez-Marek, C. Zobel, R.T. Leon, and J.M. de la Garza, "Developing a Decision Framework for Multi-Hazard Design of Resilient, Sustainable Buildings," ICONHIC 2016 (Chania, Greece: June 28-30, 2016).
- Chacko, J.C., Rees, L.P., and C.W. Zobel, "Improving Resource Allocation for Disaster Operations Management in a Multi-Hazard Context," ISCRAM 2014 - Empowering citizens and communities through information systems for crisis response and management (University Park, PA: May 2014).
- Fetter, G., M. Falasca, C.W. Zobel, T.R. Rakes, "A Multi-stage Decision Model for Debris Disposal Operations," ISCRAM 2010 – Defining Crisis Management 3.0 (Seattle, WA: May 2010).
- Falasca, M., C.W. Zobel, and G.M. Fetter, "An optimization model for humanitarian relief volunteer management," ISCRAM 2009 – Boundary spanning initiatives and new perspectives (Göteborg, Sweden: May 2009).
Conference presentations:
- Zobel, C.W., A. Arnette, Y. Zhang, L. Luangkesorn, M. Whitehead, "Assessing the Relationship Between Social Vulnerability and Housing Damage in Hurricane Michael," Poster presentation, Natural Hazards Workshop 2024 (Broomfield, CO, July 14-17, 2024)
- Arnette, A., C.W. Zobel, M. Whitehead, L. Luangkesorn, "Analyzing Social Vulnerability as a Proxy for Damage in a Natural Disaster," POMS 2024 (Minneapolis, MN, April 25-29, 2024)
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, M. Farahani, R. Behara, "Trade-offs Between Equity and Efficiency in Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments for Stormwater Management Systems," POMS 2024 (Minneapolis, MN, April 25-29, 2024)
- Ge, Y., S. Iman, C.W. Zobel, J. Szmerekovsky, "Managing Emergency Operations by Public-Private Partnerships: A Pilot Study of Seminole HEART," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, R. Behara, "Equity-Based Critical Infrastructure Investments," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, M. Farahani, R. Behara, "Resource Allocation Strategies in Critical Infrastructure Improvement Projects," DSI 2023 (Atlanta, GA, November 18-20, 2023)
- Baghersad, M., C.W. Zobel, and R. Behara, "Prioritizing Critical Infrastructure Investments," DSI 2022 (Houston, TX: Nov. 19-21, 2022)
- Malmir, B., C.W. Zobel, "Domain-sensitive Pandemic Opinion Leadership Analyzer in Online Social Networks," INFORMS 2022 (Indianapolis, IN: Oct 16-19, 2022)
- Arnette, A. and C.W. Zobel, "Disaster Relief Supply Replenishment with Risk-Based Optimized Pre-Positioning," POMS 2022 (Orlando, FL: Apr 21-25, 2022)
- Ge, Y., C.W. Zobel, J. Szmerekovsky, "Life-EssenTial Supplies Pre-Positioning and Distribution (LETS-PPD): Examining Partnerships in Emergency Operations," POMS 2022 (Orlando, FL: Apr 21-25, 2022)
- Del Rio Vilas, V., G. Giering, G. Montibeller, C. MacKenzie, C.W. Zobel, "Optimizing COVID-19 Contract Tracing for the World Health Organization," SRA 2021 Annual Meeting (Online: Dec 5-9, 2021)
- Bukvic, A. and C.W. Zobel, "Drivers of slow-onset displacement in the coastal Mid-Atlantic region and preferences for receiving locations," International Symposium on Rebuilding Communities after Forced Displacement (Online: Dec 13-14, 2021)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel and A. Arnette, "Characterizing Social Community Structures In Emergency Shelter Planning," INFORMS 2020 (National Harbor, MD: November 8-11, 2020)
- Arnette, A., C.W. Zobel, and D. Pamukcu, "Pre-Positioning Disaster Relief Assets for Improved Shelter Opening and Replenishment Times," INFORMS 2020 (National Harbor, MD: November 8-11, 2020)
- Malmir, B. and C.W. Zobel, "Preparing The Humanitarian Supply Chain For Epidemic And Pandemic Response," INFORMS 2020 (National Harbor, MD: November 8-11, 2020)
- Pamukcu, D., A. Arnette, and C.W. Zobel, "Emergency Shelter Location Planning: Agent-based model based on community closeness," POMS 2020 (Minneapolis, MN: April 23-27, 2020)
- Zobel, C.W., A. Arnette, and D. Pamukcu, "Reallocation of Pre-Positioned Disaster Relief Assets for Improved Rapid Response," accepted by POMS 2020 (Minneapolis, MN: April 23-27, 2020)
- Arnette, A., D. Pamukcu, and C.W. Zobel, "Pre-positioning Disaster Relief Assets for Improved Rapid Response," INFORMS 2019 (Seattle, WA: Oct 20-23, 2019).
- Pamukcu, D., A. Arnette, and C.W. Zobel, "Risk-based Modelling Approach for Post-disaster Sheltering Problem," INFORMS 2019 (Seattle, WA: Oct 20-23, 2019).
- Pamukçu, D., C.W. Zobel, and A. Arnette, "Quantifying disaster risk in Hurricane Florence to support sheltering decisions," POMS 2019 (Washington DC: May 2-6, 2019).
- Arnette, A. and C.W. Zobel, "Extensions to Pre-Positioning Disaster Relief Asset Optimization Model," INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ: Nov. 4-7, 2018).
- Arnette, A. and C.W. Zobel, "An Optimization Model For Disaster Relief Asset Pre-positioning," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: October 22-25, 2017).
- Zhang, Y., E. Buchanan, A. Borate, C. Zobel, "Hurricane Sandy’s Impact on the Housing Market in New York City," ACSP 57th Annual Conference (Denver, CO: October 12-15, 2017).
- Davis, Z., Q. Du, G.A. Wang, C.W. Zobel, and L. Khansa, " Online Health Communities: The Impact of Social Support on the Health State of People with Chronic Illness," accepted as poster by ICSH (International Conference for Smart Health) 2017 (Hong Kong: June 26-27, 2017)
- Zobel, C.W. and A. Arnette, "Equity in pre-positioning assets to support opening shelters," POMS 2017 Annual Conference (Seattle, WA: May 5-8, 2017) (Accepted Abstract)
- Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel, "An Optimization Model for Disaster Relief Asset Pre-Positioning," INFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting (Nashville, TN: Nov. 13-16, 2016) (Accepted Abstract)
- Wiens, M., Schätter, F., Zobel, C.W. and F. Schultmann, "Collaborative Emergency Supply-Chains for Essential Goods and Services," INFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting (Nashville, TN: Nov. 13-16, 2016) (Accepted Abstract)
- Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel, "Improving resource pre-positioning to support disaster relief operations," INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA, November, 2015).
- Arnette, A. and C.W. Zobel, "Improving Disaster Relief Supply Pre-positioning in the Rocky Mountain Region," INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA, November, 2014).
- Fetter, G.M., C.W. Zobel, and T.R. Rakes, "Incorporating Recycling into Post-Disaster Debris Disposal," 20th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (Orlando, FL: May 2009).
- "Soil Improvement for Mitigation of Damages During the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake (Turkey)," HAZTURK - 2007: International Symposium on Earthquake Loss Estimation for Turkey, Istanbul, Sept. 24-26, 2007. Coauthors: *C.G. Olgun, J.R. Martin, and H.T. Durgunoğlu.
- "Economic Benefits of Ground Improvement to Mitigate Earthquake Damages – Ford Plant Case History," HAZTURK - 2007: International Symposium on Earthquake Loss Estimation for Turkey, Istanbul, Sept. 24-26, 2007. Coauthors: *C.G. Olgun, J.R. Martin, and H.T. Durgunoğlu.
- Zobel, C.W., Chacko, J., Rees, L.P. "A Framework for Improving Humanitarian Operational Effectiveness," INFORMS 2012 Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ: November 2012).
Crisis information systems / Public sector and eGovernment service systems
Funded grants:
- "SCC-IRG Track 2: Leveraging Smart Technologies and Managing Community Resilience through Networked Communities and Cross-Sector Partnerships," NSF CMMI-HDBE. Sep 2020 – Aug 2025. Funding Amount: $1.225M. PI: Y. Ge; Co-PIs: N. Kapucu, H. Wang, L. Wang, C. Zobel
"Virginia Tech Public Interest Technology Collaborative," Virginia Tech Destination Areas 2.0 Planning & Development Grant Program. Aug 2024 – Dec 2024. Funding Amount: $25,000. PI: S. Misra; Co-PIs: B. Katz, P. Roberts, K. Luther, T. Lim, S. Grant, M. Rippy, C. Zobel, J. Gohlke, K. Hosig
- "Assessing the Feasibility of Systematizing Human-AI Teaming to Improve Community Resilience," NSF SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B (Award #2043522). Jan 2021 - Jun 2021. Funding amount: $49,855. PI: K. Stephens; Co-PIs: A. Hughes, H. Purohit, C. Zobel.
Refereed journal articles:
- Stephens, K., A.L. Hughes, T. Tasuji, A.G. Harris, Y. Xu, H. Purohit and C.W. Zobel, "Human-AI Teaming During an Ongoing Disaster: How Scripts Around Teaching and Feedback Reveal the Form of Human-Machine Communication," Human-Machine Communication, 6(1), 2023, 65-85.
- Kapucu, N., R. Okhai, Y. Ge, and C.W. Zobel, "The use of documentary data for network analysis in emergency and crisis management," Natural Hazards 116, 2023, 425-445. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05681-5
Conference proceedings papers:
- Unveren, H., A.A. Lehyeh, D. Pamukçu, and C.W. Zobel, "Strategies for Crisis-Responsive Governance: Automated Anomaly Identification in Public Services," ISCRAM 2024 - Embracing the Crisis Management Lifecycle (Münster, Germany: May 2024).
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, Y.Ge, “Prioritization of disaster-related requests in an IT-enabled public service system,” ISCRAM 2023 (Omaha, NE: May 2023)
- Zobel, C.W., and D. Pamukcu, "Examining User Access Options for eGovernment Services During a Crisis from a Digital Inequality Perspective," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) (Maui, HI: 2023)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, Y. Ge, "A DEA-based Approach for Managing Performance of Public Service Systems During a Disaster," ISCRAM 2022 (Tarbes, France: May 22-25, 2022)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, and Y. Ge "Analysis of Orange County 311 System service requests during the COVID-19 pandemic," ISCRAM 2021 (Blacksburg, VA: 2021)
- Pamukcu, D., and C.W. Zobel, "Characterizing 311 System Reactions to a Global Health Emergency," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) (Maui, HI: 2021)
- Zobel, C.W., M. Baghersad, and Y. Zhang, "Calling 311: Evaluating the performance of municipal services after disasters," ISCRAM 2017 - Agility is coming (Albi, France: May 2017)
Conference presentations:
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, "Uncovering Challenges in Ensuring Equitable Public Service Delivery to Vulnerable Populations During Slow-Onset Disasters," DSI 2023 (Atlanta, GA, November 18-20, 2023)
- Seref, M.M.H., O. Seref, C.W. Zobel, “Changes in Community Emergency Reporting During the Covid Pandemic,” INFORMS 2023 (Phoenix, AZ: October 15-18, 2023)
- Krishnaswamy, V., C.W. Zobel, "Disaster Recovery in Information Systems - Barter or Balance," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Kapucu, N., R. Okhai, Y. Ge, C.W. Zobel, "The Use of Documentary Data for Network Analysis in Emergency and Crisis Management," American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) 2023 (Virtual: March 20-24, 2023)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, "Leveraging E-Government data to ensure equitable access to public services during a slow-onset disaster," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Ge, Y., N. Kapucu, J. Hall, S. Hasan, C. Zobel, H. Wang, "IRG: Leveraging Smart Technologies and Managing Community Resilience through Networked Communities and Cross-Sector Partnerships," 2022 S&CC PI Meeting (Washington DC: Oct. 11-12, 2022) (poster & lightning talk)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, "Managing the volatility of a municipal service system during a slow-onset disaster," INFORMS 2022 (Indianapolis, IN: Oct 16-19, 2022)
- Stephens, K., A. Harris, A. Hughes, C. Montagnolo, K. Nader, T. Tasuji, Y. Xu, H. Purohit, C.W. Zobel, "Understanding Volunteers’ Motivations and Overcoming Challenges in Human-AI Teaming During Disasters," National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention (New Orleans, LA: Nov. 17-20, 2022)
- Kapucu, N., R. Okhai, Y. Ge, C.W. Zobel, L. Wang, "The Use of Documents for Creating, Analyzing, and Visualizing Data for Network Scholarship," Public Management Research Conference (PMRC) 2022 (Phoenix AZ: May 25-28, 2022)
- Stephens, K., A.Harris, Y. Senarath, Y. Xu, A. Hughes, C.W. Zobel, H. Purohit, "Human-AI Teaming in Disasters: Understanding How Volunteers Work with AI Systems," 72nd Annual ICA Conference (Paris, France: May 26-30, 2022)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel, "Maintaining public service efficiency and equality during disasters: A DEA based Goal Programming modeling approach," POMS 2022 (Orlando, FL: Apr 21-25, 2022)
- Kapucu, N., R. Okhai, Y. Ge, C.W. Zobel, L. Wang, "The Use of Documents for Creating, Analyzing, and Visualizing Network Data in Emergency Management," American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) 2022 (Jacksonville, FL: March 18-22, 2022)
- Pamukcu, D., C.W. Zobel and Y. Ge, "311 Non-emergency Call System Reactions to COVID-19 Pandemic," POMS 2021 (Online: April 30-May 5, 2021)
- Pamukcu, D. and C.W. Zobel, "Analysis of Orange County, Florida 311 Non-Emergency Call System During the COVID-19 Pandemic," INFORMS 2021 (Anaheim, CA: Oct 23-27, 2021)
- Baghersad, M., L. Nasri, C.W. Zobel, and R. Behara, "Analyzing Public Service Requests after Disaster Events," accepted by POMS 2020 (Minneapolis, MN: April 23-27, 2020)
- Zobel, C.W., "The use of information and communication technologies in support of dynamic partnerships for disaster resilience," in Exploring Innovative and Sustainable Approaches to Improve Community Resilience in Disaster Prevention and Response, Invited Symposium - International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) 2008, Davos, Switzerland, Aug. 29-30, 2008
- Zobel, C.W., "The importance of information sharing and technology in support of dynamic multi-organizational partnerships for disaster risk management," in Confronting the Challenge of Building Sustainable Networks for Disaster Relief Recovery and Community Resilience, International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) 2008, Davos, Switzerland, Aug. 25-29, 2008.
Environmental decision making
Funded grants:
- "Geotechnical Survey Strategies for Cost-efficient Ocean Renewable Energy Early Site Characterization," ICTAS Junior Faculty Collaborative (JFC) Grant. January 2014 – December 2015. Funding Amount: $119,077. PI: N. Stark; Co-PI: C. Zobel.
- "Decision Support to Achieve Watershed Nutrient Balance and Meet Water Quality Goals," USDA-CSREES (#2007-03825). Sep 2007 - Sep 2012. Funding amount: $596,000. PI: J. Pease; Co-PIs: D. Bosch, M.L. Wolfe, C. Zobel, J. Ogejo, G. Evanylo, K. Knowlton, N. Franz.
Refereed journal articles:
- Bosch, D., J. Pease, M.L. Wolfe, C.W. Zobel, J. Osorio, T. Denckla Cobb, and G. Evanylo, "Community DECISIONS: Stakeholder Focused Watershed Planning," Journal of Environmental Management, 112, 2012, 226-232.
- Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel. "An Optimization Model for Regional Renewable Energy Development," Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(7), 2012, 4606-4615.
- Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel. "The Role of Public Policy in Optimizing Renewable Energy Development in the Greater Southern Appalachian Mountains," Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(8), 2011, 3690-3702.
- Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel. "Spatial Analysis of Renewable Energy Potential in the Greater Southern Appalachian Mountains," Renewable Energy, 36(11), 2011, 2785-2798.
- Arnette, A., C.W. Zobel, D. Bosch, J. Pease, and T. Metcalfe. "Stakeholder Ranking of Watershed Goals with the Vector Analytic Hierarchy Process: Effects of Participant Grouping Scenarios," Environmental Modelling & Software, 25(11), 2010, 1459-1469.
- Cook, D.F., Zobel, C.W., and M.L. Wolfe. "Environmental statistical process control using an augmented neural network classification approach," European Journal of Operational Research, 174 (3), 2006, 1631-1642.
Conference presentations:
- Wolfe, M.L., Osorio, J.*, Pease, J., Bosch, D., Zobel, C.W. "Community DECISIONS (Community Decision Support for Integrated, On-the-ground Nutrient Reduction Strategies)," 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop (Bari, Italy: May 2012), 509-512. (Published Non-refereed Paper).
- Osorio, J.*, Wolfe, M.L., Pease, J., Bosch, D., and C.W. Zobel. "DECISIONS model: A GIS-based tool for watershed nutrient planning," ASABE 2012 (Dallas, TX: July 2012).
- “Community DECISIONS: Ranking Stakeholders’ Goals for Watersheds Using the Vector Analytical Hierarchy Process,” 2009 USDA-CSREES National Water Conference (St. Louis, MO: Feb. 8-12, 2009) Coauthors: James Pease, Christopher Zobel, Andrew Arnette, Darrell Bosch, Todd Metcalfe, Mary Leigh Wolfe, Jactone Arogo Ogejo, Heather Boyd, Gregory Evanylo, Katharine Knowlton (Poster Presentation).
- "Community DECISIONS: Community Decision Support for Integrated, On-the-ground Nutrient Strategies," USDA/CSREES National Water Conference, Reno, NV, Feb. 3-7, 2008. Coauthors: *J. Pease, D. Bosch, M.L. Wolfe, J.O. Agejo, C. Zobel, N. Franz, K. Knowlton, and G. Evanylo.
Decision support, analytical modeling, artificial intelligence, and knowledge management
Funded grants:
- "Collaborative Research: Living in the KnowlEdge Society (LIKES)," NSF-CPATH CB (#0722259). Aug 2007 - Jul 2009. Funding amount: $290,000. PI: E. Fox; Co-PIs: C. Evia, W. Fan, S. Sheetz, C. Zobel.
- "Data and Process Distribution of Radio Environment Maps: A Reference Information Model and Optimization Algorithms," Pamplin College of Business. May 2007-Oct 2007. Funding amount: $40,000. Co;PIs: S. Sheetz, D. Cook, C. Zobel, W. Fan
- "Modeling Uncertain Markets: The Global Drug Traffic since the Early Twentieth Century," Virginia Tech Institute for Society, Culture, and the Environment. Feb 2007 – July 2007. Funding amount: $3,000. Co-PIs: R. Stephens, C. Zobel, G. Wang
- "A Decision Support System for Mid-Atlantic Wheat Producers to Locate Value in the Supply Chain," The Anderson Research Grant Program. Jan 2004 – Aug 2004. Funding amount: $40,000. Co-PIs: E. Jones, C. Zobel
- "Applications of Neural Networks for Watershed Management," VWRRC SEED GRANT. July 2002 – June 2003. Funding amount: $5,000. Co-PIs: D. Bosch, M.L. Wolfe, D. Cook, C. Zobel
- "Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan for Traditional and Value-Added Virginia Produced Wheat," VA Small Grains Advisory Board / VA Small Grains Association. July 1999 – June 2000. Funding amount: $21,750. Co-PIs: E. Jones, D. Brann, C. Zobel
Refereed journal articles:
- Seref, O. and C.W. Zobel. "Recursive Voids for Identifying a Nonconvex Boundary of a Set of Points in the Plane," Pattern Recognition, 46(12), 2013, 3288–3299.
- Khansa, L.Z., Zobel, C.W., and G. Goicochea. "Creating a Taxonomy for Mobile Commerce Innovations using Social Network and Cluster Analyses," International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 16(4), 2012, 19-52.
- Zobel, C.W. and D.F. Cook. "Evaluation of neural network variable influence measures for process control," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 24(5), 2011, 803-812.
- Ragsdale, C.T. and C.W. Zobel. "A Simple Approach to Implementing and Training Neural Networks in Excel," Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 8(1), 2010, 143-149.
- Zobel, C.W. and K.B. Keeling. "Neural network-based simulation metamodels for predicting probability distributions," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54 (4), 2008, 879-888.
- Zobel, C.W., Cook, D.F., and C.T. Ragsdale. "Data-driven classification using boundary observations," Decision Sciences, 37 (2), 2006, 247-262.
- Scheibe, K.P., Mennecke, B.E., and C.W. Zobel. “Creating Offshore-ready IT Professionals: A Global Perspective and Strong Collaborative Skills Are Needed,” Journal of Labor Research, 27 (3), 2006, 275-290.
- Goel, A.M., Zobel, C.W., and E.C. Jones. "A Multi-Agent System for Supporting the Electronic Contracting of Food Grains," Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 48 (2), 2005, 123-137.
- Zobel, C.W., Rakes, T.R., and L.P. Rees. "Automated merging of conflicting knowledge bases, using a consistent, majority-rule approach with knowledge-form maintenance," Computers & Operations Research, 32 (7), 2005, 1809-1829.
- Zobel, C.W., and W.T. Scherer. "An empirical study of policy convergence in Markov decision process value iteration," Computers & Operations Research, 32 (1), 2005, 127-142.
- Ragsdale, C.T. and C.W. Zobel. "The ordered cutting stock problem," Decision Sciences, 35 (1), 2004, 81-98.
- Cook, D.F., Zobel, C.W., and Q.J. Nottingham. "Excel-based application of data visualization techniques for process monitoring in the forest products industry," Forest Products Journal, 54 (5), 2004, 57-65.
- Zobel, C.W., Cook, D.F., and Q.J. Nottingham. "An augmented neural network classification approach to detecting mean shifts in correlated manufacturing process parameters," International Journal of Production Research, 42 (4), 2004, 741-758.
- Zobel, C.W. and W.T. Scherer, "Simulation-based policy generation using large-scale Markov decision processes," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 31(6), 2001, 609-622.
- Cook, D.F., Zobel, C.W., and Q.J. Nottingham. "Utilization of neural networks for the recognition of variance shifts in manufacturing process parameters," International Journal of Production Research, 39(17), 2001, 3881-3887.
- Nottingham, Q.J., Cook, D.F., and C.W. Zobel. "Visualization of multivariate data with radial plots using SAS," Computers & Industrial Eng., 41(1), 2001, 17-35.
Conference presentations:
- Unveren, H., A.L. Ayesh, D. Pamukcu, C.W. Zobel, A. Zia, "Automated and Adaptive Service Request Categorization for Sustainable Service Operations," POMS International Conference (Istanbul, Türkiye, June 25-27, 2024)
- Malmir, B., H. Baziyad, C.W. Zobel, "A decision support framework for blockchain consensus algorithm selection," POMS 2023 (Orlando, FL: May 21-25, 2023)
- Hong, S., D.M. Goldberg, O. Seref, C.W. Zobel, "How To Make A Persuasive Pitch: An Extended Text-mining Model For Crowdfunding Analysis," INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting (Houston, TX: October 22-25, 2017).
- Seref, O. and C. Zobel, "Identify Non-convex Data Boundaries via Empty Convex Hulls," Data Mining II, 2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting (Austin, TX: Nov 2010).
- "The Living In the KnowlEdge Society (LIKES) Community Building Project: Building Collaboration between Computing and Non-Computing Disciplines," Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy at Virginia Tech, February 18, 2009. Coauthors: Chung, W., Yang, S., Fox, E., Sheetz, S., Evia, C., Fan, W., Beck, R., and E. Carr (Poster Presentation).
- “Identifying Non-Convex Data Boundaries for Classification,” 39th Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 2008.
- "Sakai LIKES Initiative," Sakai Regional Conference at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Nov. 11, 2008. Coauthors: Fox, E. and Yang, S. (Panel presentation)
- "LIKES (Living In the KnowlEdge Society)", SIGCSE 2008, Portland, OR, Mar. 12-15, 2008. Coauthors: Fox, E., Beck, R., Richardson, W., Chung, W., Carr, E., Evia, C., Fan, W., and Sheetz, S. (Poster presentation).
- “Workshop: Living in the Knowledge Society (LIKES): A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Revitalizing Computing Education,” Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando, FL, Feb. 20-22, 2008. Coauthors: S. Sheetz, C. Evia, W. Fan, E. Fox
- "Identifying Shifts in Correlated Manufacturing Processes Using Neural Networks," 2004 Annual Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference, Cancun, May 2004. Coauthors: *D.F. Cook and Q. J. Nottingham.
- "Developing a Web-based Decision Support System for the Wheat Products Supply Chain," 34th Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, Washington DC, November 2003. Coauthor: A.M. Goel.
- "A Cost Minimization Model for Corrosion Maintenance of Aircraft Skins," 7th Joint DoD/FAA/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft, September 2003. Coauthors: *W.T. Scherer and G.R. Cook. (Poster presentation)
- "An Augmented Neural Network Approach to Classification," 33rd Annual Decision Sciences Institute Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2002. Coauthors: D.F. Cook and Q.J. Nottingham.
- "Creating a DSS to support production decisions within the winter wheat supply chain," National INFORMS Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, May 2000. (Invited paper) Coauthor: E. Jones, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- "Simulation for MDP Model Generation," National INFORMS Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, May 1999. Coauthor: W.T. Scherer.
- "Simulation for policy evaluation in large-scale MDPs," 6th Conference of the INFORMS Computer Science Technical Section (CSTS), Carmel, CA, January 1998. (Invited paper) Coauthor: W.T. Scherer.
- "A simulation-based approach to solving large-scale MDPs," National INFORMS Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 1997. Coauthor: W.T. Scherer.